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            Dimensions can be confusing. Today we will be learning about 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D and also 4D properly in detail. 4D is a new concept that not many people have actually heard of It is different than the others. 3D, 2D and 1D we have all learnt about. Even though 0D is not heard of everywhere, it is relatively simple compared to 4D. Let’s begin.


            We learn about dimensions in physics and math as well. This is popularly used in space and astronomy as well, to learn more about the universe. Dimension in math

means the measurement of any object’s length, width or height. It also means the measure of the distance or size of a thing or a place or just empty space in a direction. So, there are many types of dimensions in the universe, some of which I will explain to you today.


            Everybody knows about 1D, 2D and 3D. To recap, one dimension is just a line, without area or width or height. It only has length to measure. The second dimension is a flat surface with area, perimeter, width, length, and maybe even height (in triangles and parallelograms). 3D is where things have width, length, height, and volume. Stuff like you, planets, laptops and books have three dimensions. Very few things in the universe have zero dimensions. It means that they have no length, no breadth, no height and no area. Only a point can be of zero dimensions. For example, a quark is so tiny that it has absolutely zero dimensions.


            The fourth dimension is where it gets interesting. We all know that 3D is where objects have volume. 4D is where objects have length, breadth, height, area, volume and time. Time is considered to be the fourth dimension. When an object is at a certain place at a certain time, it is in the 4th Dimension. When explaining our position, we have to mention length, breadth, height and the time at when we are there.


Sources used-

·      BYJU’S


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